Perguntam-me imensas vezes acerca dos bolos que faço para as comemorações dos aniversários cá de casa. Há muito tempo que deixei de comprar bolos em pastelarias e passei a fazer eu mesma. Claro que não ficam perfeitos, claro que não ficam tão deslumbrantes, mas são, para mim bolos especiais, e que me dão imenso prazer fazer.
Opto quase sempre por fazer massas de bolos mais densas mas fofas – de receitas conhecidas e já publicadas aqui no blogue – e vou alternando com coberturas de buttercream, brigadeiro, chocolate cremoso, chantilly, doce de ovos… Dependendo das massas usadas.
No aniversário do Zé fiz um bolo de banana já aqui publicado, com cobertura de buttercream de mascarpone e foi um sucesso. No aniversário do Miguel, bolo de noz e cobertura de doce de ovos, nos anos da Benedita, bolo de maçã com buttercream de queijo creme, e no aniversário do António, bolo de cenoura e laranja com cobertura de chocolate cremoso….
Este bolo que trago hoje, foi preparado num workshop privado de comemoração de um aniversário de uma amiga minha. Ela escolher um bolo de cenoura, e queria uma cobertura de queijo creme, porque é fã da combinação. Portanto optei por um bolo de cenoura e coco que publiquei aqui recentemente, e “inveintei” uma cobertura sem manteiga, apenas de queijo creme e natas. O resultado não poderia ter sido mais perfeito, e merece ser partilhado. Principalmente porque este fim de semana é dia da mãe e pode ser uma altura maravilhosa para preparar este bolo. E Maio é também altura de comemorações de comunhões e profissões de fé e afins, e sei que muitos procuram um bolo especial para fazer em casa.
Decorei com flores comestíveis, o que torna o bolo irresístível! Estas foram uma oferta da Francisca, (, mas encontram flores comestíveis em mercados e supermercados biológicos, e também no supercor.
Próximos Workshops:
“Receitas Simples e Deliciosas para Dias de Primavera”
LISBOA – 25 de Maio: Workshops Pop Up Chiado, 11h30 – (INSCRIÇÕES AQUI)
PORTO – 11 de Maio: Workshops Pop Up Porto, 11h30 – (INSCRIÇÕES AQUI)
OVAR – Furadouro – 12 de Maio: Colher de Chá, 10h – inscrições em
Ingredientes para o Bolo:
250g de cenouras
4 ovos
100ml de óleo vegetal (uso óleo de grainha de uva prensado a frio. Também podem usar óleo de coco se preferirem ou azeite ou oleo vegetal normal)
250g de açúcar mascavado ou amarelo
175g de farinha de espelta
50g de coco ralado
1 colher de sopa de fermento em pó
Recheio e cobertura de queijo creme:
400g de queijo creme
200g de creme fraiche
75g de açúcar em pó
No copo da liquidificadora ou robot de cozinha coloque a cenoura descascada e cortada em pedaços, os ovos, o óleo, o açúcar e o fermento e triture até obter uma mistura homogénea. Junte depois a farinha e o coco e envolva com a colher de pau.
Coloque a massa dividida em duas formas com cerca de 16cm de diâmetro, previamente f untadas e forradas com papel vegetal, e leve ao forno previamente aquecido a 180ºC durante cerca de 30 minutos.
Retire do forno, deixe arrefecer uns minutos e desenforme deixando arrefecer completamente sobre uma grelha.
Entretanto prepare a cobertura: bata o queijo creme à temperatura ambiente com o creme fraiche o o acucar em pó.
Depois do bolo frio, recheie e cubra com a mistura de queijo creme alisando a superfície com a ajuda de uma espátula.
Decore depois a gosto com as flores comestíveis com outra decoração a gosto.
Bom Apetite!
22 respostas
Maravilha! Adoro tb a combinação da massa do bolo com a cobertura! Bjinhos e Feliz Dia da Mãe (como os restantes 'dias', é quando o Homem quiser 😉 )
تمتلك شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض افضل الطرق والمعدات في تنظيف الواحدات الداخلية والخاريجة للمكيفات توفر تنظيف المكيفات الاسبلت الفريون الكاست شركة غسيل مكيفات توفر خدمة تعبئة الفريون بسعر مميز شركة نظافة مكيفات تساعد علي رفع كفاءة التشغيل مرة اخري
شركة تنظيف موكيت بالرياض
نقدم خدماتنا مثل غسيل الموكيت والسجاد وغيرها فالهدف الاول هو راحة العملاء و اكتساب ثقتهم مهما تكلف الامر مع ضمان جودة الخدمات المقدمه و سرعة انجازها بكل سهوله و امان و على احدث و افضل الاساليب
افضل شركة لرش مبيدات بالرياض فنحن نقدم خدماتنا المتميزة في رش المبيدات الى المنازل والفلل والمحلات التجارية والفنادق المختلفه حيث تعتمد الشركة على مجموعه من المبيدات الآمنه والفعالة والموثوق فيها بإعتماد وزارة الصحة السعودية.
لذلك تحرص شركتنا ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض كأفضل الشركات الموجودة فى الرياض على التخلص من جميع الأفات الشرسه مثلا الفئران وغيرها من القوارض التى من الممكن ان تكون سبب فى تدمير اغراض اى منزل او قد تسبب بعض الامراض اونقلها.
Espero por ti em:
É um bolo bastante bonito e vistoso!
Um bolo que reuna as preferências do aniversariante é uma ideia vencedora, pois não dá azo a "invenções" em termos de sabores (no sentido de experimentar alguma combinação que não seja muito usual ou que não seja apreciada pelo aniversariante).
Mesmo um bolo singelo, com uma cobertura que combine com o sabor escolhido, e uma decoração simples qb (sem exagero nos elementos decorativos), é uma boa opção para os bolos feitos em casa.
Fico com a ideia para uma futuro bolo de aniversário, seja o bolo ou o creme, apesar de aqui em casa haver "discos pedidos" (bolo de ananás e chantilly, ou um bolo tipo pão de ló/bolo de amêndoa com doce de ovos).
Um grande beijinho,
Sara Oliveira
آموزش طراحی سایت
آموزش روانشناسی
تفکر مثبت
اخبار آی تی
آموزش روانشناسی
House cleaning company in Hail represents the best and ideal solution for specialized and distinctive cleaning of all pieces of furniture and house rooms no matter the number of floors of the house and the number of rooms, where we work through a team trained on modern methods of cleaning using the latest steam cleaning machines that give outstanding results in cleaning sofas, boards, carpets and rugs It is also used to clean curtains and furnishings.Ceramic floors, chimneys and hoods are cleaned from hard fat stains and rust stains safely and completely.We also provide marble polishing services by providing the latest Italian marble polishing machines with the best types of detergents Its excellent cleaning and disinfecting houses cleaning company examples in Hail is the best choice and cheaper.
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Al-Najah Company is one of the most distinctive things about Al-Ahsa cleaner company. Cleanliness of furniture, and some individuals are responsible for the operation of devices, whether pumping devices or suction, and there is a team responsible for the process of sterilization air conditioners , Our team is considered one of the best teams because of its vast experience over many years in this field, skill and high efficiency, and fast and perfect performance. The nature of the work of the team and what may be seen when carrying out its mission, and we have a team of women to be at the service of our valued customers so as not to worry about the entry of the team of men to come home in the presence of women and housewives.
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Welcome to the official website of our company to clean apartments, houses, villas and shops in Saudi Arabia This is because we are the best home services company at the moment and by the testimony of our valued customers, the workers who work in the company have a very high experience in the field of cleaning in general, as well as we will give you cleanliness of the highest quality and the lowest prices with the testimony of customers, our goal is to satisfy our customers to the highest degree possible and thanks to God always First of all, thanks to the workers and technicians, we were able to satisfy all the customers who contracted with the company and contacted them, because we specialize in cleaning, sewerage and transport of luggage just contact us and you will notice that your house as if it is completely new from the intensity of cleanliness.
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The task of moving a catcher needs to rely on شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة It is specialized and has a long history in this field, helping it to carry out the task of transporting the baggage without causing any problems. Among the precautions taken by the company during transport of the luggage are the following: High-quality packaging materials to ensure that no problems are encountered during transport, the luggage is loaded into the car very carefully so as not to be subject to any problems during transportation. The luggage is re-connected to the place where it is transported and the packaging that is placed on the pallet is removed. During transportation. , All the transferred items are written to make sure that there is no defect in the piece, therefore you will ensure the transfer of the baggage without being exposed to any problems during transportation, شركة نقل اثاث بالمدينة المنورة .
Is characterized by شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة With the experience and efficiency in the task of cleaning, as it uses the best equipment and the latest in addition to many aspects that focus on them to ensure that the cleaning is done to the fullest, and the most important things that you find in the fast service company and nowhere else find the following: It depends on the best detergents that can eliminate stains and smears, follow a certain system in the cleaning task; for this reason it ensures that it reaches the best results, depends on the latest methods such as steam cleaning method which proved its efficiency in the cleaning work, During which to eliminate all germs and The bacteria that are present in the place and maintain the health of the present, possess the best specialized perfumes that you can only find شركة نظافة بالمدينة المنورة.
that شركة تخزين اثاث بالمدينة المنورة It can store any quantity of furniture even if it is huge. This is because the company owns large warehouses divided into many sections. It packs and puts furniture in cars and is transported to the stores equipped with the highest level and has the latest means of monitoring. شركة تخزين عفش بالمدينة المنورة You will get satisfactory results without having to pay a lot of money in return
Be aware شركة تنظيف بينبع Cleaning works require the latest equipment for cleaning and the best detergents. This is what it provides to its customers. Therefore, it ensures the results. The company can clean any place, Will t D have شركة نظافة بينبع Discounts and offers can not be found elsewhere
The task of moving furniture from one place to another can not be done by anything, but it must rely on a specialized company such as شركة نقل اثاث بينبع ، As it will provide you with assurance that the furniture transfer works will be done well and will not be exposed any piece of the pieces to any problems during the transfer of furniture. In addition, it will carry out a comprehensive inspection of all parts before and before the transfer. The best packaging tools are used in this task. you only have to communicate with شركة نقل عفش بينبع .
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شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة Is one of the best companies currently located in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia. Since the company started its activities more than twenty years ago, it has endeavored to develop all its services and made sure to provide the best service at the highest level of quality in cleaning and disinfection at the lowest prices possible. The company believes that the company's employment is a mirror that reflects the efficiency of the company that boasts of it. The worker must be confident and credible to provide the customer with everything he can provide. JAL cleaning and sterilization found in شركة تنظيف منازل بالمدينة المنورة .
شركة نقل اثاث بالمدينة المنورة Providing customers with transportation services of furniture and furniture and storage of furniture using the latest methods and methods and modern techniques and trained workers and freight cars specially equipped to transport furniture and clothes to anywhere inside or outside Medina, customers often need a city to transfer furniture to move furniture from their offices or homes Or their companies to new places but are afraid of their loss of damage or loss, but our company guarantees its customers to complete the transfer process safely and safely without being exposed to any piece of fracture or loss as the company provides a service to lift and download furniture using a hydraulic winch The only available within شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة .
شركة تنظيف بينبع The company's services include all kinds of services needed by customers such as house cleaning services, apartments, cleaning services for ground and upper water tanks, cleaning of palaces and cleaning services for hotels, residential complexes, mosques, parks, facilities and others. Types of Services The main governmental and private bodies cooperated with the cleaning company in Yanbu. Our company has provided them with the most complete image that has impressed them and increased their confidence in the skill and efficiency of our company and its employees. P safe and effective when providing various cleaning services such detergents, but inside there is no شركة تنظيف منازل بينبع .
شركة نقل اثاث بينبع Is one of the largest furniture transport companies in the city of Yanbu, which is known for providing services at the highest level and the company always offers offers and discounts and wonderful offers on the cost of services and this is what surprises customers and make them always put them the only choice for them, we have a professional team of carpenters who oversee the distinguished operations Dismantling and installing furniture and repair and maintenance of any fractures, as the company has workers polishing furniture and wooden furniture with effective polishes to remove the dirt from the layers of paint and make the furniture bright shiny like new, after the completion of cleaning the workers of evil Of furniture with materials encapsulates the strength and durability to protect the furniture from the external shocks or natural factors such materials are available only from within شركة نقل عفش بينبع
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Due to the level of quality provided by our company Al-Safa Company in Al-Ahsa شركة تنظيف بالاحساء of cleaning and cleaning services of air conditioning and sewage and insect control on all household services that we do,شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالاحساء and taking our prices suitable for all segments of society, has become the best and most important company in the field of cleaning. شركة تنظيف خزانات بالاحساء In order to maintain our success and progress, the company strives to continue along the same lines, through continuous development and the constant pursuit of following all that is best for the masters of customers. شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء So, never hesitate our dear customer to contact us if you want daily, weekly or monthly cleaning for your home, your garden or your company, شركة تسليك مجارى بالاحساء or even want any kind of cleaning services, we will promptly meet your request with perfect quality and low cost .
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شركة تنظيف فلل بالرياض Perfect cleaning and cleaning of the villa's rooms and the use of a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and soil.شركة تنظيف بالرياض The beauty and cleanliness of the place gives the use of steam cleaning machines that remove stains accurately and quickly and are used to clean canes and boards.
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شركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياض We provide you with a range of tips that prevent the nesting of the bathroom on the surface of your home you clean the surface and balconies from the remnants of the grain and clean it from waste and used furniture
شركة تنظيف منازل بالمدينة المنورة We have the ability to make your home an oasis of cleanliness and beauty. We have a dedicated team to clean every part of your home, but we are keen to provide important tips to keep your house clean for as long as possible. شركة تنظيف بالمدينة المنورة Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of accumulated dust on a daily basis. Cleaning the glass home facades provides a perfect look for the home Provide you with a great service in cleaning your house if you can not do this hard work and effort شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة .
شركة تنظيف بينبع Provide you with a distinctive service in all types of private cleaning Carpet carpet cleaning using the steam cleaning machine makes it clean and fully sterile.
شركة نقل اثاث بينبع It is an ideal choice to carry out your home furniture without any effort or hardship. But if you want to do it yourself, arrange the clothing bags for your family so that you can remove the tires and wooden rooms easily. Transportation. Many things you can do .
شركة تنظيف منازل بمكة It is the best choice for you to clean the perfect parts of your home – Carpet cleaning and carpeting the best types of steam cleaning machines or sent to Cleaning and cleaning of beds and boards and putting mattresses on them to prevent the accumulation of dust and stains on them You must use high quality detergents to ensure high quality cleaning of all the items and parts of your home You need a daily cleaning of the kitchen and bathrooms to give a recovery and confidence in the cleanliness of the whole house شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة Able to clean your home without bothering you or get tired at great cheap prices.
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