Trufas de Castanhas e Cacau

Em altura de castanhas, nada melhor do que umas trufas de castanhas e cacau, numa combinação clássica de castanhas e chocolate. Estas trufas não tem açúcar adicionados e podem ser usadas como bolinhas de energias para snacks e lanches dos miúdos.

Também são optimas para aproveitar algumas castanhas assadas ou cozidas que sobrem!

Espero que gostem! 

Ingredientes para cerca de 14 bolinhas

150g de castanhas cozidas ou assadas

150g de nozes ou amêndoas ou uma mistura de frutos secos

50g de passas ou  tâmaras

1 colher de sobremesa de cacau em pó 

Coco ralado para enrolar (opcional)


Coloque todos os ingredientes num  processador de alimentos ou robot de cozinha e triture cerca de 15 segundos a uma velocidade alta até obter uma mistura homogénea e moldável.

Forme depois bolinhas e, se quiseres,  passe-as por coco ralado.

Guarde no frigorífico para ganharem firmeza.

Bom Apetite!

2 respostas

  1. The best WordPress plugins for websites
    If you have a website made in WordPress, for a long time the most popular CMS platform that drives more than a quarter of the entire web, then you are probably familiar with the fact that there are thousands of different plugins or plugins for WordPress that expand the functionality of the website and bring many additional features.

    How to create an article optimized for Google SEO?
    Optimizing your website for search engines, Google, Bing, Ecosia, and others, is essential for good positioning and optimal visibility on the internet. Effective SEO can make your website a tool for generating additional customers and income. Let's start with a checklist for creating an SEO-optimized article.

    But there's more: If you don't want to create Elementor layouts from scratch, you can also start from a number of templates or themes, and change them freely until you get the exact result. that you wish.

    The best SEO plugins for WordPress in 2021
    WordPress has reached 50 million sites developed with its platform and has become one of the most used CMS. Its ease of use, installation, and SEO optimization has led to success. Plugins have become the new SEO tools for WordPress, leading many people to believe that SEO for this content manager ends up being just that, a choice of plugins.

    What WordPress 5.9 will bring us

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